
True Crime Podcasts is a fictional device that Altacolor has created to demo one style of store available to wanting to sell merch as a way to extend their creative revenue.

Merchandising, or "merch" is nothing new. Big companies like Coca Cola have been doing it for ages. Unique products that fans love to purchase and collect add to your revenue stream but also expand brand awareness. It's noisy out there in the world of whatever endeavour you're engaged in selling merch is a great way to raise awareness.

This site can be populated with valuable products that carry your art. We have an expertly experienced art team and even a G7 colour expert in da house. Sorry: got carried away there. The point is we handle making the sausage and you benefit.

Ask us questions - email ACCOUNTS@ALTACOLOR.COM or call (888) 410-0360 to discuss your vision.

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